Who is Running for New York Governor?

*Deep breath* Where to start? 

New York… I know that for the last 10 years we thought we were in the clear after Eliot Spitzer and David Paterson (both served as Governor for a combined total of 3 years from 2007-2010), but NOPE! Last year we saw a scandal involving yet another Governor, Andrew Cuomo*. Now, here we are again trying to decide on who we will entrust to run our state for the foreseeable future.

*I’m not spilling any tea on this blog, but if you click on those pink hyperlinks you’ll be able to look into it for yourself.

Before we get into the candidates, here are a few lesser known facts about NY Governor

  • There are no term limits in New York for Governor, meaning a person can serve for as many years as they win elections

  • The Governor can grant pardons (except involving impeachment or treason)

  • The Governor commands the State’s military force

Dates to know

  • Primary Election Day: June 28, 2022

  • Early Voting Days for Primary Election: June 18 - June 26, 2022

  • General Election: November 8, 2022

  • Early Voting Days for General Election: October 29 - November 6, 2022

OK, ready? Here’s who’s running!


Kathy Hochul
New York Governor

Campaign Platform

Kathy Hochul was Andrew Cuomo’s Lieutenant Governor aka his second in command. When he stepped down as Governor, Kathy was sworn in, becoming the State’s first female governor. 

As governor the last 8 months, she’s focused on public safety measures against COVID-19, criminal justice reform and infrastructure improvements across the State. 

She’s already faced some drama though since becoming Governor. In September 2021, just a few weeks after being sworn in, she appointed Brian Benjamin (who was a State Senator at the time) as her Lieutenant Governor. 7 months later, Brian Benjamin surrendered himself to federal authorities, facing five federal charges including bribery.

On May 3, she appointed Antonio Delgado as the new Lieutenant Governor for the State, and he will now be her running mate.

Jumaane Williams
NYC Public Advocate 

Campaign Platform

Jumaane is NYC’s Public Advocate, and was a City Council member for 10 years before then.

Jumaane is of Grenadian heritage, born and raised in Brooklyn. When he was a teenager, he was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and ADHD, and has persevered throughout to fight for his community and his City.  

On the City Council, Jumaane pushed for legislation and programs that would stop the use of stop-and-frisk, and reduce gun violence using community-centered approaches. As Public Advocate, Jumaane has passed bills that protect New Yorkers in the workplace and homeowners from excessive tax burdens, as well as bills that promote public safety, and fight discrimination in our housing system.

Tom Suozzi
U.S. Representative

Campaign Platform

Tom was mayor of Glen Cove on Long Island in the 90s and Executive of Nassau County in the 2000s.

As Executive of Nassau County, Tom sponsored Gun-Buy-Back programs, and created an Anti-Gang Task Force. Now as Congressman, he’s helped negotiate the Infrastructure and Jobs Act, which will invest billions of dollars to improve New York’s roads and bridges, upgrade the LIRR, NYC subways and mass transit, modernize and improve our airports, support the construction of electric vehicle charging stations, and address the climate crisis. 

Paul Nichols

Campaign Platform

Paul has worked in government and non-profits his entire career. He is passionate about ensuring that people have equal opportunities. His faith is his foundation, and the basis of all he does.  


Lee Zeldin
U.S. Representative

Campaign Platform

Lee Zeldin is the top choice in the Republican Party, having received 85% of the vote from his party at the Republican State Convention in March 2022. As Congressman, he’s led the charge to end all COVID mandates, delivering a $1.5 billion boost in border security resources, helping to stop illegal migration across our borders, and has advocated for a law enforcement bill of rights which would protect law enforcement officers. 

Rob Astorino
Former Executive of Westchester County

Campaign Platform

Rob Astorino ran for Governor in 2014 against Andrew Cuomo, and is trying again now in light of Cuomo’s resignation. As County Executive, Rob reduced property taxes and negotiated several public-private partnerships which included Playland Amusement Park and Westchester County Airport.

Andrew Giuliani
Political Analyst

Yes, he’s Rudy Giuliani’s son. Andrew worked on Trump’s presidential campaign, and then went on to work at the White House as Trump’s special assistant. At the White House he worked on policy that would deregulate business. 

I tried to find his campaign platform for you, but he doesn’t have one on his website. He does have a video on there, where he sorta talks about it.

Harry Wilson
Chairman and CEO of MAEVA Group

Campaign Platform

Harry’s company, MAEVA Group, is a financial services company, that helps turn around struggling companies. In 2008, Harry was appointed by President Obama to the auto task force. The task force helped reorganize General Motors and Chrysler following the recession.

He wants to “Turn Around New York” and one of his platforms is Tough on Crime, where he says he will, “back the police… increase funding for police and put more police on the street. If a liberal prosecutor doesn’t want to enforce the law, Wilson will fire the prosecutor”.

Derrick Gibson
Small Business Owner

Derrick Gibson is from Queens, NY and owns a business in the auto and construction industries. He’s been known to take controversial positions on Twitter, including showing support for The Proud Boys, and comparing mask-wearing to slavery. With no official government experience, he claims to have been at all of Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rallies. 

Unfortunately, I was not able to link his campaign platform for you, because his website is no longer working.


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